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This site was developed with support from the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Moldova
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Atrocitățile din orfelinatul groazei din Orhei

Membrii organizației neguvernamentale ,,Human Rights Embassy/Ambasada Drepturilor Omului'', în calitatea lor activiști pentru drepturile omului, au fost sesizați în urma difuzării în presă a unui material video privind situația copiilor din Casa-Internat pentru copii cu deficiențe mintale din Orhei.

Acest reportaj ne-a făcut să constatăm cu regret că dincolo de intervențiile mai multor instituții de stat precum și a denunțării de nenumeroase ori a condițiilor inumane din această casă internat de către rapoartele, inclusiv ale Ombudsmanului, Republica Moldova nu este capabilă să asigure stoparea abuzurilor în această instituție.

Attachments: FileDescriptionFile size Petitie_ombudsmanPetitie_ombudsman836 kB Raportul_vizitei_orhei_2015.pdf 300 kB ...

Lustration in Ukraine: Political Cleansing or a Tool of Revenge?

Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou

History is in the making in Ukraine. Since December 2013 Ukraine lived through a revolution, occupation of a part of its territory, anti-terrorist military campaign, economic turmoil and a socio-political crisis. The government of Ukraine assumes that corrupt and disloyal political elites are to be at least partially blamed for the situation in this Eastern European state. According to the authorities some of those who were instrumental supporters of the previous non-democratic regime are still occupying certain positions in the country's administration.

To tackle corruption and disloyalty the government has proposed the law on government cleansing which is also known as the lustration law. This draft law has recently been examined by the Venice Commission resulting in the opinion adopted on 20 June 2015. Despite the opinion been quite critical the Ukrainian government was quick to announce that the Venice Commission has confirmed that the l...

Call for the release of human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev

Dear colleagues,

95 lawyers from 24 countries call for the immediate and unconditional release of human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev. He has been in jail in Azerbaijan since 8 August 2014.

In a letter to President Ilham Aliyev independent lawyers, barristers or attorneys-at-law, express concern over the sentencing of their colleague, human rights lawyer Intigam Aliyev: "We call upon you, Mr President, to immediately and unconditionally release Intigam Aliyev and rehabilitate his civil and political rights."

Attachments: FileDescriptionFile size Intigam Aliyev - lawyers letter 158 kB ...

ВНИМАНИЕ: Дистанционный курс обучения для судей, прокуроров и адвокатов «Предотвращение пыток и жестокого обращения в Молдове»

Посольство Прав Человека (Human Rights Embassy) и Программа развития ООН в Молдове (ПРООН), в рамках проекта «Укрепление национального потенциала для защиты наиболее уязвимых лиц от пыток в Республике Молдова»

объявляют о наборе участников на дистанционный курс обучения для судей, прокуроров и адвокатов

Основной целью он-лайн обучения является укрепление общего понимания «нулевой терпимости» к пыткам и усилению борьбы против жестокого обращения и безнаказанности в Молдове, используя инновационные методы в области обучения и защиты прав человека. Основная идея общего курса заключается в объединении всех профессиональных групп (участников он-лайн курса) для построения диалога и общего понимания феномена пыток, а также для объединения усилий для предупреждения и борьбы с пытками в Молдове.

Attachments: FileDescriptionFile size Formularul de înscriere_juristi_RU_RO.doc 53 kB Объявление о дистанционном обучении_юристы.pdf 460 kB Объявление о дистанционном о...
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

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