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This site was developed with support from the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Moldova
The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

"Regional in-depth training courses for Moldovan defence lawyers on European standards and safeguards for protection of the rights of detainees and effective investigation of the complaints of ill-treatment" Project

Donor organization: Council of Europe & the Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova(NORLAM)

Project Title:"Regional in-depth training courses for Moldovan defence lawyers on European standards and safeguards for protection of the rights of detainees and effective investigation of the complaints of ill-treatment" Project / February – June 2012


Implementing organisation:

International human rights nongovernmental organisation "Human Rights Embassy" (A.O. Ambasada Drepturilor Omului)


1. European Union and Council of Europe Joint programme "Reinforcing the fight against ill-treatment and impunity";

2. The Human Rights House Network (HRHN), "Electronic Human Rights Education for Lawyers" Project;

3. The Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova (NORLAM);

4. The Rehabilitation Centre of Torture Victims "Memoria" (Moldova).

Donor organisations:

1. European Union a...

"Human Rights Clubs' thematic meetings" Project

Donor organization: The Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova (NORLAM)


“Front Line Defenders Security Grant” Project

Donor organization: Front Line Defenders, Dublin, Ireland

Project title: "Front Line Defenders Security Grant" / March – May 2012

Financing authority: Front Line Defenders, Dublin, Ireland

Beneficiary: Human Rights Embassy (Ambasada Drepturilor Omului)


NARRATIVE REPORT --> HRE_Security Grant_ Report.pdf

Attachments: FileDescriptionFile size HRE_Security Grant_ Report_20 06 2012.pdf 222 kB ...

“Resource website for human rights protection” Project

Donor organization: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Republic of Moldova

Project title: "Resource website for human rights protection"

Financing authority: Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania to the Republic of Moldova

Beneficiary: Human Rights Embassy (Ambasada Drepturilor Omului)

12 December 2011 – 28 December 2011

NARRATIVE REPORT --> Resource website for human rights protection_ Narrative Report.pdf

FINANCIAL REPORT --> Resource website for human rights protection_Report.pdf

Attachments: FileDescriptionFile size Resource website for human rights protection_Narrative Report.pdf 298 kB Resource website for human rights protection_Report.pdf 72 kB ...

’’Psycho-social necessities of families adopting children in the Republic of Moldova’’

Donor organization: The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bucharest, Small Project Fund for Moldova       Titlul proiectului: RO - „Necesitățile familiilor adoptive în Republica Moldova" ENG - ''Psycho-social necessities of families adopting children in the Republic of Moldova''

Durata proiectului:  5,5 luni

Data lansării:  1 ianurie, 2012

Perioada de raportare: 1 ianuarie – 15 iunie 2012

Locul de desfăşurare: Republica Moldova

Suma totală a grantului: 5 000 EUR / 71 830 MDL


RAPORT NARATIV --> Raport_narativ_Necesitatile_familiilor_adoptive_in_Republica_Moldova.pdf

RAPORT FINANCIAR --> 92_11_M_Financial_Report.pdf




"Dear Ms. Lela Metreveli,

Thank you for sending us all the reporting documents related to the implementation of project 92/11/M.

We confirm having received all the necessary reports together with supporting documents. After studying them, ...

The new version of the site was developed within the Internews project Audience Understanding and Digital Support, funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida

Our office

17, Sfatul Tarii str. MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova(in court yard)


+373 22 920 700

